A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2357

Chapter 2357


Alexis, usually unfazed, found Leonel’s remarks excessive.

She laughed coldly.

“So, because you exerted some effort, you think I owe you something? You don’t strike me as the type to hold such conservative views, Mr. Douglas!”

Leonel’s response was low and serious.

“What if I do want you to take responsibility?”

Alexis retorted sharply, “Then you’ll have to get in line! And then just wait patiently!”

Her biting words seemed to stir something in him. In a swift, unexpected move, he gently grasped her chin and kissed her.

Alexis had consumed some wine, but she was far from intoxicated.

As he kissed her, she bit his lip in retaliation. Leonel looked at her, his gaze enigmatic.

Angela’s Library

“You weren’t this distant that night.”

Unamused, Alexis lightly patted his face.

“I’m not in the mood right now!”

She then called out to Ross, half-jokingly, “Drive to the police station!”

Ross, caught in the middle of their antics, felt overwhelmed. These were the children he had watched grow up, now engaging in inappropriate behavior in the back seat of the car he was driving.

It was too much for him to handle.

Understanding her sarcasm, he drove them back to the villa without further comment.

Upon arriving, Alexis stepped out of the car promptly.

The villa was silent, the clock striking 10 pm. As she reached the second floor, Leonel suddenly scooped her up and carried her into his bedroom.

Caught off guard by his boldness, especially in their own home, Alexis stood her ground as the door shut behind them.

She prepared to offer a quick solution, “Leonel, if you’re really this horny, I can help you with my-—”

But he wouldn’t let her finish.

Leonel pressed her against the door, his head lowered close to hers.

He sought her lips but kept the kiss gentle, not deepening it. His voice was rough yet sincere as he spoke against her lips.

“Alexis, let’s have a proper talk.”

